Saturday, June 12, 2010

Recieve a Compliment- Part 1

I love to give a compliment and I like to get one.  Some people love to receive one and rarely extend one.  Others find it hard to sincerely speak one.  I have witnessed other people near death if they don't hear one and many who literally spend most of their time fishing for one.  It leaves me to wonder why the heck I am having so much trouble taking to heart words meant to encourage me.

I don't remember ever ''needing'' a compliment to feel worthy, but I have very much enjoyed them when sincerely given. Thankfully, I find my self-worth in things that aren't received from others, however we are called not only to encourage but to allow ourselves to be encouraged, as well.  I'm not sure the scripture behind that one, but logically if God's word tells us to encourage then He had someone in mind to receive it, right....

I asked a friend a question today that resulted in a compliment.  Why did I get that deep feeling inside making it hard for me to receive it...Why did something meant to be uplifting, feel so uncomfortable...

Yesterday, my sister posted a compliment and for some reason I questioned her later because I felt this overwhelming feeling that her over the top words were not true.  Hmmm....even her response to my question, had me twisted and resulted in me making excuses for myself.  I wonder if she saw through that....and how would I have reacted if she would have pursued me toward accountability after I shut her down the first time.

To drive my point even further, confidence is the root of this blog, yet I STILL have yet to send out the launch post.  I keep saying I'm waiting on ''this or that'' but the truth is I'm just scared.  I am unsure of ''what'' exactly, but I feel parts of me that are just not ready to be exposed yet.  In my experience, fear is not always the absence of courage or confidence, but is often God's way of protecting us from something we are not quite ready for.  Probably need to search that one, too.  One thing at a time...

So, I decided my deeper still moment would be the self examine necessary to determine what the heck my problem is. Where's the gap in truth when it comes to this part of my self confidence.  And how do I reclaim it and take ownership once and for all.   Faking it can be exhausting and no one should have to do that forever....

Don't be scared to intentionally search for the strongholds that keep you from truly becoming who you are, instead of waiting for them to bite you.  Being forced to deal with issues may seem easier than proactively doing it yourself, but that lack of proactivity may just be a factor in the reason you have the issue to begin with. But beware...when you do ask this bold question, He shows up and expects movement.  My search is to figure out why, in this season, can I not be open to the kindness of others who choose to be faithful in their call to encourage....


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